
VOVWORLD (VOV5) of the Voice of Vietnam is the nation’s foreign language broadcaster serving overseas Vietnamese and foreigners all over the world. VOV5 now broadcasts on short wave and FM in 13 languages: English, French, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, German, Lao, Thai, Cambodian, Indonesian, Korean, and Vietnamese.

VOV5 broadcast its first transmission on September 7, 1945 in French, English, and Cantonese. Then it expanded its service to Mandarin Chinese, Esperanto and Lao. During the anti-French war of resistance (from 1945 to 1954) the Voice of Vietnam terminated the Esperanto service, but maintained the remaining services. During the anti-US war of resistance (from 1955 to 1975), VOV5 added its programming in Thai, Japanese, Indonesian, Cambodian, Spanish, and Russian. The Vietnamese service was launched on August 16, 1981.

In 1998, the first FM radio channel for the foreign community in Vietnam was inaugurated.

VOV5 programs are now available on www.vovworld.vn or vov.vn. The website www.vovworld.vn includes text of our programming, live radio programs and recorded programs. There are also pictures, clips, music and features about Vietnam’s land, people, customs and tradition.

Organizational structure


Work telephone

Director Nguyễn Tiến Long

(024) 38 25 78 70

Deputy Director Lê Quốc Hưng
(024) 38 25 57 61
Deputy Director Phó Cẩm Hoa (024) 38 24 19 45

Administration Section

(024) 38 26 68 09

Editorial Secretariat

(024) 38 25 68 62

(024) 38 26 50 29

English Service

(024) 38 25 44 82

French Service

(024) 38 24 19 45

Japanese Service

(024) 38 25 36 31

Chinese Service

(024) 38 26 68 06

Russian Service

(024) 38 25 66 33

German Service

(024) 39 36 52 18

Spanish Service

(024) 39 34 28 94

Indonesian Service

(024) 39 25 47 98

Lao Service

(024) 38 25 66 31

Thai Service

(024) 38 25 57 63

Cambodian Service

(024) 38 26 68 08

Vietnamese Service

(024) 38 25 20 70

 Korean Service (024)