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A poster features the Health Ministry’s 5K message: Khau trang (facemask), Khu khuan (disinfection), Khoang cach (distance), Khong tu tap (no gathering), and Khai bao y te (health declaration).
An electric booth is decorated with a vivid and colorful painting encouraging people to wear face masks when going out.
A painting honors medical workers
The painting reads, “We stay at work for you. You stay at home for us.”
The posters on electric booths attract the attention of passers-by.
The project aims to raise public awareness of COVID-19 prevention and control.

Posters raise awareness of COVID-19 prevention

(VOVWORLD) - A poster project, jointly carried out by the Veterans Association of Hanoi’s Hai Ba Trung district and the Youth Union of the district’s Bach Khoa ward, has helped raise public awareness of the COVID-19 prevention and control. The posters are special as they are drawn on electric booths on the streets.