Poacher turns forest ranger

(VOVWORLD) - A poacher who rehabilitated himself to become a forest ranger is a true story in Hanh Rac hamlet, Ninh Thuan province. Katơr Kinh was sent to prison for illegal logging. After completing his sentence, he returned to his hamlet and got involved in protecting the nearby forest. 
Poacher turns forest ranger  - ảnh 1Forest ranger Katơr Kinh 

Katơr Kinh  used to cut down the forest to clear farming land and get wood. One day, he was caught and put behind bars for 4 years. After his release from prison, Katơr Kinh  decided to reform himself and was recommended to a group that protects the forests. He became an active member and was eventually appointed head of Hanh Rac hamlet for his forest protection service. Katơr Kinh said: “The forest is the habitat of many kinds of animals, so we need to protect it. I carry out regular patrols in the forest to keep people from damaging it”.

Katơr Kinh also does research to find plants that can adapt to the local climate. Some forest areas now contain maize and orchards of grapefruit and banana. Chamalea Do lives in Phuoc Binh commune: “Katơr Kinh  paid for his mistakes and now does a good job of protecting the forest. He also encourages others to join his effort”.

Katơr Kinh encourages people to conserve and replant the forests. His effort to atone for his mistakes and turn to doing good is an inspiration to many people. Pi Nang Quang of Phuoc Binh commune, said: “I used to harm the forest but now I follow Kinh’s example. I’m repentant for my wrongdoings and take an active part in forest protection”.

Katơr Kinh’s story has had a great impact on the community. Now more people are following regulations on forest protection and preventing forest fires.


