(VOVWORLD) - On February 3, 1930, leader Nguyen Ai Quoc hosted a conference to merge three Vietnamese communist organizations, giving birth to the Communist Party of Vietnam. This significant event marked the end of a prolonged crisis in the path to national salvation and the organization of patriotic movements in Vietnam. It was a decisive turning point that set the stage for the victories of the Vietnamese revolution and national development in subsequent eras.
Vietnam’s achievements over the past 95 years have been inseparable from the leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, which was founded and fostered by President Ho Chi Minh. Under its guidance, Vietnam has produced significant accomplishments.
Glorious eras
Under the Party’s leadership, Vietnam has experienced glorious eras with monumental historical milestones and its remarkable progress has been recognized globally.
In 1945, the Party spearheaded the revolution, toppling colonial and feudal rule to establish the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In 1954, the Vietnamese Party, army and people ended the struggle against French colonialists and restored peace in the north. 19 years later, in 1975, the Party completed its historic mission, mobilizing the whole nation to embark on the building of socialism in the north and reunify the country. Ten years later, in 1985, the Party joined the whole nation to overcome the aftermath of war and enter a transition period toward socialism.
From a nation once isolated and impoverished, Vietnam has established diplomatic relations with 194 countries, and a strategic partnership, comprehensive partnership, and comprehensive strategic partnership with 31 countries, including UN Security Council permanent members and G7 countries.
Vietnam has emerged as one of the world's 40 largest economies and among the top 20 in trade and foreign investment. People’s living conditions have improved considerably with a multidimensional poverty rate reduced to below 3%. Vietnam completed its Millennium Development Goals early.
Prof. Dr. Vu Minh Giang, Chairman of the Council of Science and Training at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, |
Prof. Dr. Vu Minh Giang, Chairman of the Council of Science and Training at Vietnam National University, Hanoi, said: "In 1946, in a letter to teachers and students, President Ho Chi Minh expressed his vision for Vietnam to stand on par with global powers. This vision is not merely an aspiration but a concrete goal we must achieve."
Era of national rise
Building on its legacy, Vietnam is now entering the "era of national rise." On National Day, September 2, 2024, Party General Secretary To Lam declared that Vietnam is embarking on a new era of national rise, marking the dawn of a new period in national development.
On the occasion of National Day September 2, 2024, General Secretary To Lam solemnly declared that Vietnam has entered an era of national rise (Photo: VOV) |
At its 10th plenum in September 2024, the 13th Party Central Committee unanimously agreed that the new era would begin with the 14th National Party Congress in 2026. General Secretary Lam said: "The era of national rise is one of development and prosperity under the Party’s leadership. It is the era of building a socialist Vietnam, which is wealthy, strong, democratic, equitable, and civilized, standing on an equal footing with global powers. This is the vision of President Ho Chi Minh and the goal we are committed to achieving."
The new era is seen as the period when Vietnam's revolution speeds up to achieve its strategic goals to celebrate 100 years of the Party’s leadership, creating a solid foundation to achieve the goals set out to commemorate the 100th founding anniversary of Vietnam.
As Vietnam enters spring and the Party celebrates its 95th anniversary, the Vietnamese people look back on the glorious national history marked by triumphs recognized by the world. Now the Party is leading the nation to prosperity and civilization—a mission it will accomplish with the unity and consensus of the entire nation.