G20 commits to eliminate Ebola epidemic

(VOVworld) - Leaders of the Group of 20 (G20) of the world’s largest developed countries and emerging economies have issued a statement on Ebola with a commitment to mobilize all resources to eliminate this deadly epidemic.

G20 commits to eliminate Ebola epidemic - ảnh 1
Leaders participating in G20 summit in Brisbane, Australia (Photo: AFP)

In the statement, G20 member countries committed to do all they could to eliminate the epidemic and deal with economic and humanitarian cost in the medium term. G20 countries called on those countries which have not got involved in this effort to join international community’s effort to support finance, medical staff, medicine and treatment in the fight against Ebola epidemic.

In another development, the Democratic Republic of Congo on Saturday announced that it has officially been free of Ebola epidemic which has prolonged 3 months in this country. 66 people were infected with Ebola and 49 deaths were reported in the recent Ebola epidemic in Congo.

