Ho Chi Minh City named in short wish list fortravellers in 2019

(VOVWORLD) - Ho Chi Minh City has found a place on UK travel website Culture Trip’s short wish list for travelers planning their next trip in 2019.
Ho Chi Minh City named in short wish list fortravellers in 2019 - ảnh 1A corner of Ho Chi Minh City.

Ranked 4th, HCMC is described as an affordable destination with a buzzing cultural scene to match, making it perfect for cash-strapped millennial travelers.

It also recommended travelers meander around the city’s neighborhoods and hidden alleyways in search of street food and displays of public art.

The list is based on an analysis of cities that have seen the highest growth in millennial interest on the Culture Trip site and app, and a survey of 300 of the company’s local creators, who are based around the globe

