India hosts Raisina Dialogue on new world order

(VOVWORLD) -The fourth Raisina Dialogue, which opened in New Delhi, India, on Tuesday, has discussed some important issues now facing the international community.

The Dialogue, organized by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and the Indian Ministry of External Affairs, attended by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, and officials, scholars and business leaders from 92 countries.

The Vietnamese delegation is led by Lt. Gen. Tran Viet Khoa, Director of the National Defence Academy.

Panel discussions of a new world order are taking place during the three-day dialogue. ORF President Samir Saran said there will be 85 discussions, key note addresses, and conversations to delineate the new world order that is rapidly emerging. A prominent focus of this year’s Raisina Dialogue will be Eurasia.

