Iran nuclear talks set for Istabul

(VOVWorld) - U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Saturday in Saudi Arabia that six world powers and Iran have agreed on meeting in Turkey's Istanbul next month to resume their stalled talks over Tehran's controversial nuclear program.

Iran nuclear talks set for Istabul - ảnh 1
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Source: internet

The talks will be on April 13, Clinton said at a news conference after a security conference in Saudi Arabia. Clinton said that the nuclear talks between six nations and Iran aim at preventing Tehran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. But she is also suspicious of Iran's intention of negotiating a solution in Istanbul. On Thursday, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini Khamenei had informed visiting Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan that he wanted Iran's nuclear negotiations to take place in Istanbul. Erdogan reiterated Turkey's readiness to host nuclear talks in Istanbul.

