Japan to hold exhibition on Vietnam

(VOV) – Japan will hold an exhibition of Vietnam’s history and culture next year with the highlight given to Vietnam-Japan cultural and economic relations. The Vietnam National Museum of History and Japan’s Kyushu National Museum signed the deal on Wednesday.

Dr. Nguyen Van Cuong, Director of the Vietnam National Museum of History says that the event will open a new chapter of bilateral cooperation: Vietnam and Japan will carefully select the most typical photos and artifacts presenting Vietnam’s history and culture. The exhibition is of great significance to both two museums in preserving and promoting cultural heritage values in this development era. We wish Japanese cultural heritages would also be showcased in Vietnam in the near future.

The exhibition will mark the 40th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties in 2013. Miwa Karoku, Director of the Kyushu National Museum said the two museums will co-organize many other exhibitions following this.

