NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung visits Russia

(VOVworld) – After arriving in Moscow on Sunday, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung laid a wreath at the Monument of President Ho Chi Minh, visited the construction site of the Hanoi Trade and Culture Center, and met with the Vietnamese Embassy staff and Vietnamese people living in Russia.

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung visits Russia - ảnh 1
National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung met with the Vietnamese Embassy staff and Vietnamese people living in Russia

Hung said his visit aims to deepen the Vietnam-Russia strategic partnership. He added that one of this year’s major tasks of the NA is to revise Vietnam’s 1992 Constitution. "The Constitution is a legal document of primary law. It’s a political and legal document to implement the people’s will, allow the people to practice their human and civil rights, and ensure that the nation develops on the right political and legal track. We’ll continue to work so that Vietnamese wisdom and quintessence will be reflected in this Constitution." Hung said.

NA Chairman Hung repeated that the Party and State have always paid special attention to the Vietnamese community abroad, particularly those in Russia. The Party, State, and NA uphold the unswerving policy of promoting national unity and offering conditions for Overseas Vietnamese to stabilize their lives, integrate with the local community, promote national identity, and contribute to their homeland.

