NA discuss its supervision activities for 2013

NA discuss its supervision activities for 2013 - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) – On Thursday, deputies discussed next year’s supervision activities which will focus on land management, public investment, national economic restructuring, management of government bond capital, ODA, and key national projects, especially the law on laws. They called for more supervision on the enforcement of legal documents. Truong Van Vo is a deputy from Dong Nai province ‘To improve the quality of NA supervision, I propose that more attention be given to supervision at the grass roots level and to collecting public opinions. Recently, supervision has been done mainly via reports. Supervisory teams should include members from various sectors and agencies and be consistent from the beginning to the end of the supervision. I agree that there should be a balance average of areas subject to supervision and suggest that top priority be given to afforestation and education.

The NA adopted a resolution on next year’s socio-economic development plan. They approved the targets of achieving 5.5% GDP growth, 10% export growth, and an 8% import surplus. They set a target of generating 1.6 million new jobs.

