Turkey suspects Islamic State of carrying out bombings in Ankara

(VOVworld) - The Islamic State (IS) is the prime suspect in a twin suicide bombing that killed at least 97 people in the capital city of Ankara on Saturday.

Turkey suspects Islamic State of carrying out bombings in Ankara - ảnh 1
Mourners place flowers and shoes on the ground today after the twin bombing in Ankara. Photo by Sedat Suna.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the attack was an attempt to influence the outcome of a parliamentary election on November 1. The pro-Kurdish opposition Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), which said it was the target of the attack, has put the death toll at 128 while the Turkish Prime Minister’s office said it was 97.

HDP spokesman Ayhan Bilgen said the party is considering cancelling all of its rallies ahead of the November 1 election amid security fears after the suicide bombings in Ankara. PM Davutoglu said the election will still take place on November 1
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