Vietnam’s bananas sold in Japan

Vietnam’s bananas sold in Japan

(VOVworld)- Bananas imported from Vietnam have been available in Japan’s Don Kihote discount chain stores from April 30, marking the presence of Vietnamese bananas in Japan’s retail market
US Election: Trump names foreign policy team

US Election: Trump names foreign policy team

(VOVworld)- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Monday unveiled a partial list of his foreign policy advisers in an interview with The Washington Post, after saying last week that he...
Changes in poverty reduction policy

Changes in poverty reduction policy

(VOVworld)- The Prime Minister has approved a master plan to move from single-dimensional poverty measurement to a multidimensional approach. The plan, which will be implemented in the next five years...
Vietnam tries to fully tap tuna catching industry

Vietnam tries to fully tap tuna catching industry

(VOVworld) – Tuna is one of Vietnam’s top export items and widely praised for its high quality. But Vietnamese fishing relies more on experience than advanced equipment. Fishermen in the south central provinces...
Remembering my boss Tran Lam

Remembering my boss Tran Lam

I will never forget memories of 5 years being secretary to veteran journalist Tran Lam. (VOVworld) - Journalist Le Truong Kien, a retired VOV staff member was secretary to veteran journalist...
President consoles helicopter crash survivors

President consoles helicopter crash survivors

(VOVworld)- President Truong Tan Sang on Monday visited survivors of a helicopter crash in Hanoi’s outlying district of Thach That, who are receiving intensive care at the National Burns...
Seoul proposes peace park in DMZ

Seoul proposes peace park in DMZ

President Park Geun-hye proposed on Thursday that South and North Korea hold reunions for separated families and establish a peace park on their heavily armed border, a day after...
US evacuates its citizens from Yemen

US evacuates its citizens from Yemen

The US government on Tuesday recommended that all US citizens leave Yemen due to an escalating terrorism threat targeting US diplomatic offices and citizens