Chinese President visits Switzerland

Chinese President visits Switzerland

(VOVworld) – Chinese President Xi Jinping began a state visit to Switzerland on Sunday to attend the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, the UN in Geneva,...
US Secretary of State to visit Vietnam

US Secretary of State to visit Vietnam

(VOVworld) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will travel to Vietnam, France, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland from January Friday to next Wednesday, the US Department of State said...
EU countries want extension of border control

EU countries want extension of border control

(VOVworld) – Germany’s Welt am Sonntag newspaper cited several diplomatic sources on Saturday that a group of EU countries want an extension of border controls cope with Europe's migration...
Pressing issues at World Economic Forum

Pressing issues at World Economic Forum

(VOVworld) – The on-going 46th World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, has drawn the participation of over 2,500 politicians and leaders. Gloomy signs in the global economy...
World Economic Forum 2015: Several challenges

World Economic Forum 2015: Several challenges

(VOVworld) – The 45th World Economic Forum will take place in Davos, Switzerland, from January 21 to 24. Themed “New Global Context”, the forum will seek new approaches to ensure sustainable...
Vietnam attends 2014 Summer Davos Forum

Vietnam attends 2014 Summer Davos Forum

(VOVworld) – Vietnam hopes to find some solutions for its economy amid the numerous challenges around the world at the 2014 Summer Davos Forum, said Deputy Minister of Science and Technology Pham Cong...