7th Party Central Committee session opens

7th Party Central Committee session opens

(VOVworld) - The 7th Party Central Committee plenary session opened in Hanoi today/on Thursday to gather opinions on continued reforms and perfecting of the political system from the central to...
Further comments on the revised 1992 Constitution

Further comments on the revised 1992 Constitution

(VOVworld)- Deputies of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee on Thursday discussed constitutional revisions regarding the organization of the state apparatus, land ownership and reclamation mechanisms
AO victims grateful to British PM

AO victims grateful to British PM

Len Aldis - Chairman of the UK-Vietnam Friendship Association has presented British Prime Minster David Cameron gifts from Vietnamese Agent Orange (AO) victims as thanks for supporting their fundraiser
June 6, 2012

June 6, 2012

Ratan Kumar Paul of West Bengal, India, emailed us and said he listened to our programs from 15-21st May at 1600-1630 UTC on the frequency of 7220 kHz. He wrote: “On...
Human rights differences should be candidly discussed

Human rights differences should be candidly discussed

(VOVworld) On Wednesday the US House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs approved the so-called Vietnam Human Rights Bill, which provides inaccurate and biased information about human rights in Vietnam...
Phu Khe wood-carving village

Phu Khe wood-carving village

(VOVworld) Phu Khe village in the northern province of Bac Ninh has long been famous for traditional dragon patterns carved in wood. Such patterns have appeared in important architectural...
New changes in National Assembly’s Q&A session

New changes in National Assembly’s Q&A session

The National Assembly has ended its year-end session after nearly a month of discussion. Deputies discussed the goals, orientations, and a roadmap for the country’s socio-economic development, security...