NA Chairman joines Vietnam-UK Business Forum

NA Chairman joines Vietnam-UK Business Forum

Addressing the forum which gathered 300 business representatives, Chairman Hung said Vietnam will accelerate the development of market economy to ensure equal competition and administrative reform for businesses
Vietnam and the EU will become important partners

Vietnam and the EU will become important partners

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung held talks with President of the European Council, Hermen van Rompuy on Wednesday as part of his official visit to Belgium and the European Parliament....
NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung arrived in Brussels

NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung arrived in Brussels

An official welcoming ceremony was held in Brussels on Monday for National Assembly’s Chairman, Nguyen Sinh Hung and his entourage on their visit to Belgium and the European Parliament. Mr....
NA’s year-end session concludes successfully

NA’s year-end session concludes successfully

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has underlined that Vietnamese lawmakers have agreed to give top priority to controlling inflation, stabilizing the macro-economy, ensuring social welfare and safeguarding national independence, sovereignty and...
Dancing with Fire

Dancing with Fire

Every year, when the coldest days of the winter come, Pa Then ethnic people begin to celebrate their mysterious fire dancing festival. The warmth of the fire, the sound of gongs echoing...
NA discusses Law on Tobacco Harm Prevention

NA discusses Law on Tobacco Harm Prevention

Deputies at the on-going National Assembly on Wednesday, 16 November 2011 discussed the draft law on prevention and the fight against tobacco in a plenary session. The majority of them proposed for an increase in taxes and fees,...