Giving lucky money during Tet - Li xi custom

Giving lucky money during Tet - Li xi custom

(VOVworld) - The Lunar New Year festival (Tet) is a typical cultural feature of most Asian countries, including Vietnam. This is Vietnam’s biggest holiday, associated with a range of traditions and customs...
Returning to Asia with challenges

Returning to Asia with challenges

(VOVworld)- US Secretary of State John Kerry began a 4-day tour of to Asia on Thursday. This is the 5th time Kerry visited Asia since he became US Secretary of State a...
Russian, US Presidents discuss the Geneva 2 talks

Russian, US Presidents discuss the Geneva 2 talks

(VOVworld) – US President Barrack Obama on Tuesday called his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to discuss the agenda for the peace conference on Syria, also known as Geneva 2, which opened Wednesday...
2013: Instability and hot spots remain

2013: Instability and hot spots remain

(VOVworld)- Contrary to optimistic signs of the global economy, the world witnessed several political fluctuations last year. Continuous global security challenges are worrying the public about the possibility of resolving...