Pupils in mountain, border areas provided good study conditions

(VOVWORLD) - The new school year 2022-2023 will begin in two weeks. Local authorities and schools are preparing infrastructure and medical safety for pupils, particularly those in mountain and border areas.

Pupils in mountain, border areas provided good study conditions - ảnh 1Localities prepare infrastructure and medical safety for pupils to begin a new school year. (illustrative photo: baoquocte.vn)

Moc Chau district, Son La province, has checked all schools and allocated 1.2 million USD to build more classrooms, multi-functional spaces, and dormitories for 10 of 43 schools.

Luong Van Linh, Rector of 8/4 Secondary School in Moc Chau Farm town, said: “The school and the district authorities have closely followed the construction process to ensure they will be completed as scheduled. The infrastructure will help teachers and pupils study in better conditions.”

Teachers in mountain and remote areas are working in difficult conditions. The education sector of Yên Bái province has assigned teachers of English to teach in mountain schools to ensure that the pupils there can catch up with the national general education program. Dao Anh Tuan, Deputy Director of Yen Bai province’s Department of Education and Training, said that the teachers on duty have many years of teaching experience.

“The Department of Education and Training has asked provincial authorities and functional agencies to assign teachers from the city to move to mountain and border areas such as Tram Tau and Mu Cang Chai, so pupils of all grades can learn the full curriculum.”

Businesses and social organizations have supported disadvantaged children in mountain, remote areas, and islands to attend school. 

Border soldiers in Soc Trang province in collaboration with the provincial Association for Study Promotion and the Viettel Soc Trang Branch donated 200 scholarships and 2,000 notebooks to the program “Helping children go to school” for children of border soldiers and officers in the sea border area of Tran De, Cu Lao Dung, and Vinh Chau township.

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