Vietnam active at ASEM 9

(VOVworld)- Themed “Friends for Peace-Partnership for Prosperity”, the 9th Asia Europe Meeting opened in Vientiane, Laos on Monday. Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and 50 leaders of ASEM member countries attended the event.

Amidst numerous global challenges and difficulties, especially the prolonged economic crisis, the ASEM9 meeting is focusing on restoring the global economy, changing the growth model and coordinating economic and financial policies in the two regions. At this meeting, another three new members- Bangladesh, Norway, and Switzerland - will be admitted to the organization bringing the total membership to 51. They will be the first non EU countries to join the ASEM, deepening Asia-Europe cooperation and raising the forum’s prestige.

Vietnam active at ASEM 9 - ảnh 1

As an ASEM member, Vietnam has in the past 16 years, contributed a lot to the organizations politically and economically. Vietnam successfully hosted the 5th ASEM meeting in 2004 and has hosted several ASEM Ministerial Meetings, initiated proposals and together with other ASEM members adopted several important documents to boost ASEM cooperation. So far, Vietnam has introduced 16 initiatives and has been the co-author of dozens of initiates on strengthening ASEM cooperation in culture, education, health, transportation, energy security and experience sharing in employment growth and social security. At the 4th ASEM Ministerial Meeting on Labor and Employment in Hanoi, Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Pham Thi Hai Chuyen said: "The Vietnamese government is carrying out several projects to generate jobs including the National Employment program, the Vocational Training Program for Youth and the Employment Program in connection with poverty reduction. Vietnam has implemented unemployment insurance and strengthened the capacity for public employment services".

Within the ASEM cooperation framework, Vietnam and other members have adopted several documents including the “Hanoi Declaration on Closer ASEM Economic Partnership” and the “ASEM Declaration on Dialogues among Cultures and Civilizations”. The ASEM forum has played an increasingly important role in Vietnam’s socio economic development. Vietnam has set up a strategic comprehensive partnership with several other  ASEM members. This region is Vietnam’s largest direct investor and development assistance provider. Vietnam’s active participation in the bloc will help it strengthen ties with its partners in both regions and promoting its foreign policy. The attendance of PM Dung and his delegation at the summit demonstrates that Vietnam is ready to take an active role as a responsible ASEM member. Vietnam will join other member countries in producing initiatives to contribute to the success of the conference, raising ASEAN’s prestige and enhancing Asia-Europe cooperation.

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