Vietnam cooperates for a peaceful world

(VOVWORLD) - This year multilateral diplomacy has raised Vietnam’s status and prestige internationally. Vietnam has participated in, and proposed initiatives and made commitments at regional and global forums and performed as a responsible member to share and cooperate with other countries for the common goal of a peaceful world.

Vietnam cooperates for a peaceful world - ảnh 1Vietnam has sent field hospitals to join international peacekeeping forces in South Sudan for three consecutive years. (Photo:

Although COVID-19 and other non-traditional security challenges have affected many aspects of life and international relations this year, Vietnam has continued to work with the international community to meet shared challenges.

Undertaking important positions with global mechanisms

Vietnam has continued serve as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council and was elected and appointed to many UN mechanisms and forums this year. It was re-elected to the UN International Law Commission for the 2023-2027 term, the UNESCO Executive Council for the 2021-2025 term, and the Board of Governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Vietnam cooperates for a peaceful world - ảnh 2Former Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh (Photo:

Former Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh said: “We have revised our orientation from active participation to proactive, active, and responsible participation. Vietnam is a responsible country, and at the same time has the capacity and willingness to contribute to multilateral diplomatic activities. Amidst various regional and global difficulties, particularly the pandemic, Vietnam has conducted various responsible activities.”

2021 is the second year that Vietnam has been a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. It has held the President position for one month. Vietnam has demonstrated its role as a bridge to help the world solve problems.

Discussions and documents initiated by Vietnam all aim to resolve disagreements, maintain peace, and put people at the center of protection in armed conflicts. Resolution 2573 on Protecting Essential Infrastructure in Armed Conflict was adopted by all members of the Security Council, making it one of 1% of all Security Council resolutions so far approved by all members.

Vietnam has promoted ASEAN and UN connectivity and proposed solutions to regional challenges, including the 5-point Statement on Myanmar, confirming ASEAN’s centrality in handling regional instability.

Palestinian Ambassador to Vietnam Saadi Salami says: “Vietnam is a country that has firm foundation to resolve problems. Vietnam always adopts a positive and constructive stance on regional and global issues. I believe that stance will help parties find solutions for mutual interests.”

A responsible member in resolving global challenges

Vietnam has sent field hospitals to join international peacekeeping forces in South Sudan for three consecutive years. Vietnam contributed 500,000 USD to the COVAX Facility, successfully treated UN staff infected with COVID-19 under the UN COVID-19 Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) Framework, sent medical forces to help Laos, and donated a lot of medical supplies and equipment to other countries.

Despite its limited resources, Vietnam is ready, within its capacity, to provide timely support to countries heavily affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Former Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh said: “Vietnam exhibits a spirit of mutual support and responsibility in international relations. This shows that Vietnam has the capacity to participate in the UN peacekeeping force and help other countries during the most difficult time at the beginning of the pandemic. Despite its own difficulties, Vietnam is ready to share its resources. This has raised Vietnam’s status and enhanced its prestige.”

With global climate change threatening the lives and livelihoods of billions of people around the world, Vietnam pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 at the 26th UN Conference on Climate Change (COP26). Vietnam's commitments and contributions have been welcomed internationally.

Caitlin Wiesen, UNDP Resident Representative in Vietnam, said: “Vietnam’s ambition announced at COP26 again reaffirms its pivotal and exemplary contribution to multilateral cooperation. Despite all the challenges faced as an emerging economy and extraordinary impacts on COVID-19 as well as climate change, Vietnam stands firm in adopting an ambitious target on climate change action to keep the global climate goal of maintaining warming within 1.5 degree Celsius by the end of the century.”

Multilateral diplomatic activities this year have elevated Vietnam’s prestige and generated resources for it to develop its socio-economy in the new period, promote bilateral relations with major countries, and contribute to peace and development around the world.

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