World community applauds Vietnam’s COVID-19 prevention

(VOVWORLD) - The COVID-19 epidemic is spreading rapidly worldwide. Starting in Wuhan, China, last December, 77 countries and territories have reported cases. Its location makes Vietnam vulnerable to the epidemic, but Vietnam’s early preventive measures have been very effective, a fact noted by the international community.
World community applauds Vietnam’s COVID-19 prevention - ảnh 1Health workers spray disinfectants. (Photo: VNA) 

When COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, China, Vietnam quickly put in place transparent, uniform countermeasures.

The whole system has worked together to combat epidemic

Vietnam recognized at once that fighting the COVID-19 epidemic was an international task, and worked to contribute to the global effort by holding consultation meetings with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC).

For the past 2 months Vietnam has applied measures to identify possible COVID-19 cases at border gates, required health declarations or quarantined people arriving from infected regions, and temporarily suspended visa-free travel to Vietnam by South Koreans.

The WHO has acknowledged Vietnam’s efforts, saying Vietnam has responded rapidly to the epidemic, publicly shared information, and cooperated with other countries to quarantine suspected cases and treat patients. 

Kidong Park, WHO’s Chief Representative in Vietnam, said that Vietnam should continue its effort in containing the COVID-19. They believed in Vietnam’s leadership and its measures and the WHO will continue to support as much as possible. The WHO has warned countries, including Vietnam, that while trying to prevent the epidemic from spreading, they should prepare for COVID-19 infection in the community.

To prevent the worst from occurring, Vietnam has engaged its entire political system in combating the epidemic, applying the four “on-the-spot” principles – on-the-spot prevention and treatment, on-the-spot facilities, on-the-spot funds, and on-the-spot personnel. All COVID-19 patients treated at Vietnamese hospitals have recovered.

Deputy Health Minister Nguyen Thanh Long said: “Vietnam’s treatment of COVID-19 patients has involved the latest drugs and methods. And our research centers are researching event newer products for diagnosis and treatment.”

Hand in hand with the world

Since the epidemic began last December, Vietnam has recorded 16 COVID-19 cases. All of them have recovered. Determined to defeat COVID-19, under the leadership of the Party and the government, Vietnam has been successful to this point.

At a recent meeting with the Vietnamese government, US CDC representatives urged Vietnam to share its experience and information, including the coronavirus genome. The US CDC will continue to work with Vietnamese agencies in fighting the epidemic.

Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc has said repeatedly that the Government is prepared to sacrifice economic gains to protect the health of the public. Vietnam will work closely with the international community to contain the epidemic.

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