Vietnamese e-commerce ecosystem promoted

(VOVWORLD) - Since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, online trading and digital transformation have been strongly deployed, bringing in practical benefits for farmers, traders, and GDP growth. Besides taking advantage of changes in consumer habits to gain a bigger share of the e-commerce market, many Vietnamese businesses have collaborated to promote Vietnamese goods globally and forming an e-commerce ecosystem in Vietnam.
Vietnamese e-commerce ecosystem promoted - ảnh 1Bac Giang lychees are professionally arranged for sales on Voso e-commerce platform. (Photo: VOV)

2021 is the first year Bac Giang lychees have been sold in a systematic manner on all six major e-commerce platforms in Vietnam - Sendo, Voso, Tiki, Shopee, Lazada, and Postmart, and through a Vietnamese online store regulated by the E-Commerce and Digital Economy Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

On June 8, just before the "Lychee Festival", Bac Giang lychees began to be sold on e-commerce floors with many preferential policies for customers and farmers.

Representatives of e-commerce companies said the biggest obstacles to helping farmers embrace digital transformation are their hesitancy, adding that they had to work with them until they recognize the benefits of investing in better product quality and more efficient trading methods.

Nguyen Hong Dien, Minister of Industry and Trade, underlined the benefits of e-commerce platforms in the sales of agricultural products.

“Bac Giang and other localities with agricultural specialties have quickly adopted new trading methods based on technological platforms. This innovative direction has proven effective during the coronavirus epidemic. I hope this trading model will be promoted in the future, not only for lychees, but for other farm produce,” said Dien.

The effectiveness of e-commerce platforms will be even greater if e-commerce businesses not only focus on consumer habits to increase revenues, but also collaborate with each other to promote Vietnamese goods internationally.

Tran Trung Hung, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director General of Viettel Post, said, “Digital transformation is a golden opportunity for sustainable, long-term development while increasing the profitability of Vietnamese farm produce domestically. E-commerce businesses have been making efforts in all directions, from building a healthy competitive market to working with agencies to form a sustainable supply chain.”

According to the leader of Viettel Post which helps farmers with logistics and product promotion on online trading floors like Lazada, Shopee, Tiki, Postmart, Voso, and Sendo,

“Our first step is to coordinate with the E-Commerce and Digital Economy Department to deploy the ‘National Vietnamese Online Stall’ on all trading floors and use it to help traders apply new sales methods. E-commerce floors are also offering incentive programs to boost product sales,” said Hung.

Experts say e-commerce is expected to be a new economic sector that will flourish in the coming time and the vanguard in the digital economy. That’s why, many economic groups have invested in this field. They are urged to work closely to boost their sales domestically and internationally.

