Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam Family Day has become a major cultural event to honor the values of Vietnamese family tradition.

Over the last 20 years, Vietnam Family Day, June 28, has been a time for family to show love for one another and for society to care for children.

Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 1A family full of love brings joy to each member ( Photo:
Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 2Longevity celebration, a tradition of Vietnam, demonstrates children’s gratitude for their parents and grandparents (Photo: Hai Ninh/
Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 3Family reunion on Tet, Vietnam’s Lunar New Year (Photo:
Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 4A person living in a happy family is more likely to succeed in life (Photo:
Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 5Artist Ly Hai (first from the right) and his family members (Photo:

Themed “Peaceful family - happy society”, Vietnam Family Day this year is celebrated in a special way focusing on honoring frontline workers in the fight against COVID-19.

A video that went viral recently shows a little kid suddenly burst out to tear after seeing her mother on TV. Her mother is Phung Thi Hanh, one of the 160 medical staff sent to COVID-19 hotspot in Bac Giang province to support the pandemic prevention there.

Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 6Phung Thi Hanh's daughter (L) and her happy family (R)

The pandemic has forced many families to be separated while at the same time allowing some others to stay closer together. All seven members of Tran Thi Yen's family in Bac Giang province had to stay in quarantine in a local school. 

Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 7Ms. Yen's family take photograph at quarantine (Photo:

Most activities for Vietnam Family Day were held virtually due to the pandemic. The Vietnam Women's Union held an online seminar to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Vietnam Family Day and the National Action Month for Anti-Domestic Violence.

Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 8Experts are invited to the seminar to share their experience (Photo:  
Family values honored on Vietnam Family Day  - ảnh 9An art performance at the event (Photo:
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