Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal

(VOVWORLD) - Normal life for local residents has generally returned to Quang Ninh province following local authorities struggling against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic for a long period.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 1The administration of Quang Ninh province detects three positive COVID-19 cases within the community on June 24, with many preventive measures being applied subsequently.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 2The authorities of Quang Ninh take samples from over 30,000 locals as part of COVID-19 testing over a four-day period. This is along with requests for residents not to gather in crowds and to don face masks to curb the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 3All checkpoints throughout Cam Pha city are removed from June 30, with local businesses permitted to resume normal operation.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 4A range of COVID-19 prevention methods are maintained within Quang Ninh province.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 5Tourism services in Ha Long city and Co To island are now able to relaunch.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 6Local authorities offer 100% discounts for entrance tickets to Ha Long Bay, the Yen Tu relic site, and the Quang Ninh Museum until the end of the year, with the primary aim to recover the local tourism industry moving into post-pandemic period.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 7Bustling scenes return to the streets of Ha Long city as gatherings, festivals, and tourism activities are allowed to resume from June 29.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 8Hon Gai and Bai Chay beaches attract thousands of locals amid the recent heat wave.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 9
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 10The majority of residents wear face masks and maintain a safe distance in public areas.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 11Local people follow the Health Ministry’s 5K message in office buildings.
Life in Quang Ninh largely back to new normal - ảnh 12The administration of Quang Ninh has conducted three vaccination campaigns, with roughly 28,000 locals so far being inoculated against SARS-CoV-2.

