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The festival opens with a music and dance gala on May 16 featuring more than 100 performers.
30 activities were held during the festival, including a street carnival with a parade of ancient cars and a performance of thousands of women wearing Ao Dai (long dress) decorated with images of lotus flowers.
The festival will also set up a space showcasing lotus flowerpots of different varieties, as well as a national map made from lotus flowerpots.
(Photo: VOV)
An exhibition displays a range of paintings, photos, and ceramic artefacts featuring the image of lotus flowers.
Around 50 chefs from Dong Thap and other provinces join a cooking contest from various parts of the lotus plant.
This is the second lotus festival in Dong Thap, It aims to promote the economic value of lotus flower and attract more tourists to the Mekong Delta region.

Second Dong Thap lotus festival opens

(VOVWORLD) - A lotus festival, the second its kind, opened on Thursday in the Mekong Delta province of Dong Thap to introduce hundreds of One Commune One Product (OCOP) products and delicacies made from the lotus plant.