280,000 Vietnamese fully vaccinated with double-dose coronavirus vaccines

(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Health said Vietnam has administered more than 4 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, in which 283,000 people have had double doses.
280,000 Vietnamese fully vaccinated with double-dose coronavirus vaccines - ảnh 1A medical worker is vaccinated. (Photo: suckhoedoisong.vn)

The Ministry of Health has distributed 8.16 million vaccine doses to localities with priority to pandemic-hit provinces and cities, key economic areas, and cities with many industrial parks, a dense population, and international border gates.

To ensure the goals of pandemic containment and economic development, the Ministry of Health has added more prioritized groups to be vaccinated, including workers and their relatives working at essential service sectors, hotels, restaurants, banks, and healthcare centers, traders, self-employed people, people who travel abroad for work and study, and foreign experts in Vietnam. 
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