ASEAN foreign ministers review preparations for ASEAN-US Special Summit

(VOVWORLD) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son and his ASEAN counterparts on Wednesday reviewed preparations for the 2-day ASEAN-US Special Summit in Washington D.C. 
ASEAN foreign ministers review preparations for ASEAN-US Special Summit - ảnh 1ASEAN foreign ministers review preparations for ASEAN-US Special Summit (Photo: VOV)

Son said Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will attend summit activities on Thursday and Friday. Son said that maintaining ASEAN’s solidarity and unity, promoting its centrality, stance, principles, and common voice, and enhancing its mutually beneficial cooperation will be the bloc’s priority during the summit.

Later on Wednesday, senior officials of ASEAN and the US reached a consensus on the summit’s agenda and documents.

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