Cambodians protest distortion of historical facts

Tens of thousands of Cambodians protested in the capital on Sunday to show their anger at statements relating to the Pol Pot genocidal regime that distorted historical facts by the opposition leader.

Cambodians protest distortion of historical facts - ảnh 1
The victims of the Khmer Rouge regime feel outraged at statements by the opposition leader

Protesters carried banners reading: "Kem Sokha is the first person who dares to insult the souls of all victims from Pol Pot's regime".  Leading the protest is 83-year-old Chhum Mey, who survived from Tuol Sleng, also known as S-21 prison, said the victims of Khmer Rouge regime wants the Cambodia National Rescue Party to make clear its point of view on the statements by Kem Sokha.

Earlier, speaking at election campaigns in Takeo and Prey Veng province on May 17-18, Kem Sokha, the Acting President of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, said that the objects and photos of victims displayed at Tuol Sleng holocaust museum in Phnom Penh are fake and it was Vietnam that re-staged S-21 prison. Meanwhile, the UN special court on the crimes of Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia is ongoing.

