Climate change art in the spotlight

Climate change art in the spotlight - ảnh 1
A photo exhibition on climate change and AFD activities in Vietnam (Source: VNA)

(VOVworld) – Six films, three photo exhibitions, three conferences and three activities related to the issue of climate change will be held in HCM City and Hanoi to accompany the COP21 International Climate Change Conference to be held in Paris. From November 30 to December 11, world leaders and representatives from over 190 countries will be meeting in Paris for the United Nations 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21). The aim is to agree to a global legally binding climate treaty. The French Institute in Vietnam, French Embassy in Vietnam, French Consulate in HCM City, and the French Development Agency (AFD) on November 16 held a press briefing in HCM City about the activities. Twenty-one photographs taken by Yann Arthus-Bertrand will be exhibited at L'Espace in Hanoi from November 17-24. The 60 Solutions to Climate Change photo exhibition depicts innovative, practical solutions that blend climate change mitigation and economic development, according to a representative of AFD. The exhibition will also take place at the French Consulate in HCM City from November 30 to December 8. The 21 photos, along with another exhibition dedicated to the 20-year presence of AFD in Vietnam, will take place at the Industry University in HCM City from December 9 to 23. In addition, a conference discussion dealing with Official Development Aid strategies to address climate change consequences in Vietnamese rural areas will take place on November 17 at L'Espace, and at the Industry University in HCM City in December 9.

