Environmental sector praises role models

(VOVworld) – The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has praised 40 outstanding individuals and organizations who had initiatives and significant achievements responding to the movement of following President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example. The ceremony in Hanoi today/ on Tuesday was to mark the 65th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for patriotic emulation.  Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Thai Lai spoke at the event: "Each cadre and party member of the environment sector should consider emulation not only a lever for socio-economic development but also ethics and patriotism criteria. Emulation movement and rewards should be the motives for environmental officials to successfully fulfill socio-economic duties of the sector".

Environmental sector praises role models - ảnh 1
Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Nguyen Thai Lai at the event.
(Photo: VOV)

The sector set goals by 2020 to actively respond to climate change and sustainably explore, preserve, and manage natural resources.       

