Establishment of an independent economy prioritized

Establishment of an independent economy prioritized  - ảnh 1
(VOVworld) – National Assembly deputies discussed socio-economic development in 2013 and in the first 4 months of 2014 at Monday morning’s session. They agreed there are signs of economic recovery thanks to the government’s implementation of solutions to rehabilitate the economy. But they added that limited efforts to increase aggregate demand, low trust in the market, plus instability in the East Sea, have adversely impacted market psychology. The lawmakers urged stronger measures to boost aggregate demand and fully exploit the low inflation rate to achieve Vietnam’s socio-economic targets by the end of this year. Many deputies agreed that Vietnam needs to build an independent economy. Huynh Nghia, a deputy from Da Nang City, said: "The government should pay more attention to establishing a self-controlled economy in the new context, with measures to actively seek export markets, help businesses deal with their debts, and encourage continued investment. The government needs a clear strategy to address bad debts, an adjusted credit package for the real estate market, and special assistance policies for fishermen to ensure marine economy growth."

Minister of Industry and Trade Vu Huy Hoang talked about Vietnam’s policies to expand trade links with global markets to create breakthroughs in external trade activities and at the same time consolidate the domestic economy’s independence: "Vietnam has implemented quite a number of measures to improve the trade balance. More and more big partners want to reach economic and trade agreements with Vietnam. We have signed 8 free trade agreements so far and are planning to negotiate another 6 agreements to help Vietnamese goods penetrate foreign markets. These negotiations must be based on mutual respect without intervention in our political institutions. It’s also important to ask our partners to give us an appropriate implementation roadmap due to the development gap between Vietnam and more developed partners."

Deputies reached a consensus on restructuring the agricultural sector, with stronger solutions and prioritized resources for agricultural development. They also agreed to allocate money in the state budget to support marine police and fishermen.   

