G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting discusses Russia-Ukraine conflict

(VOVWORLD) -The Russia-Ukraine conflict will be high on the agenda of the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, said India’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. 
G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting discusses Russia-Ukraine conflict - ảnh 1India’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Vinay Kwatra speaks at a press conference after the opening of the G20 Foreign Minister Meeting on March 1, 2023. (Photo: ANI)

At a press conference after Wednesday opening ceremony, Vinay Kwatra ruled out the possibility that the meeting will issue a joint statement on this matter, due to wide differences between the West and Russia.

Kwatra said the Foreign Ministers will discuss food security, energy, fertilizer, and the impacst of the Russia-Ukraine conflict on these sectors.

This year’s meeting is attended by 40 delegations: the G20 members, seven invited countries, and 13 delegations of international organizations.  

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