HCM City launches renewable energy use competition for rented houses

(VOVWORLD) - The HCM City Power Corporation has launched an award aimed at encouraging rental house owners to use rooftop solar power.
HCM City launches renewable energy use competition for rented houses - ảnh 1A solar power system installed on the roof of a factory in HCM City. (Photo courtesy of EVNHCMC)

The “Rental houses using green energy” award will grant 280 prizes each worth 10 million VND every year.

The company will help the owners of rental houses upgrade their existing power system and promote the development of renewable energy.

The award duration will run from December to November next year.

To participate, owners must register with the organizer for using renewable energy system such as rooftop solar power and charge tenants a reasonable price for monthly electricity bills.

The houses' lighting system must have more than 50 percent of LED lights. They should also ensure environmental sanitationand maintain other good practices of a cultured, civilized urban lifestyle, the organiser said.

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