Health ministry guides H7N9 bird flu treatment

(VOV) – The Ministry of Health on Wednesday issued a treatment protocol against a new strain of avian influenza called H7N9.

Health ministry guides H7N9 bird flu treatment - ảnh 1
Measures are taken to control the spread of bird flu epidemic       Source: VOV

According to the Ministry of Health, the virus whose genes are traceable to the flu virus in poultry and a number of wild birds leads to acute pneumonia in humans, even death. There has been no sign of human-to-human transmission so far.

The same day, medical officials in Shanghai, China said the first H7N9 infected patient has totally recovered. The patient is a four-year-old boy who was diagnosed positive for H7N9 virus on April 4th and had fever for 3 days. Meanwhile, China’s Zhejiang province reported that 2 patients in the province including a 65-year-old man and 51-year-old woman showed positive signs of recovery after treatment. The latest tests showed that both were negative for H7N9 virus and likely to be moved out of the quarantined areas.

China has reported 2 more people infected with H7N9 virus in Shanghai, bringing the total number of H7N9 infected cases to 33. 9 of them have died.

