Korean Culture Days close in Hoi An ancient city

(VOVWORLD) - The 3-day Korean Culture Festival closes on Sunday evening in Hoi An ancient city, leaving beautiful impressions on the audience with fabulous performance of Korean violinist Jimiko, singers Seok Hun and Hansara, and a K-pop dance troupe. 

Korean Culture Days close in Hoi An ancient city - ảnh 1A joint performance of Vietnamese and Korean artists (Photo: VOV)

Park Noh-wan, Republic of Korean Ambassador to Vietnam, said, “The event symbolizes the close friendship between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea, which are celebrating their 30 years of diplomatic relations. This is an opportunity for us to revive the tourism scene after the COVID-19, first of all for Hoi An.”

The biennial Korean Culture Days event, which was held in 2017 and 2019, featured a photo exhibit, a food festival, a recreation of Hoi An market, Taekwondo shows, and Korean traditional craft products.

Tran Van Tan, Vice Chairman of the People's Committee of Quang Nam province, expected the festival will help revive local tourism. 

“Quang Nam province plans to ask the Government to allow us to welcome international tourists who have vaccine passports and COVID-19 negative test results. Charter flights organized by travel companies will carry visitors to tourist areas, which are isolated and far from residential areas. So Korean tourists can have fun in the luxury resorts of Quang Nam, contributing tourism development,” said Tan. 

