Many countries open doors to fully vaccinated international tourists

(VOVWORLD) - With countries now implementing COVID-19 vaccination programs, it’s only a matter of time before borders re-open to international tourists. According to the travel news site ‘Travel off path’, dozens of countries have re-opened or plan to re-open soon to travelers who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus.
Many countries open doors to fully vaccinated international tourists - ảnh 1Vaccinated people can now avoid Covid tests and quarantines in more places, though rules vary wildly from country to country. (Photo: Malte Mueller/Getty Images)

Before the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in 2019, Southeast Asian countries welcomed 130 million international visitors a year, creating 42 million jobs for the tourism industry. Asian Development Bank economists say the travel and tourism industry had generated about 12.1% of Southeast Asia’s total GDP – about 380 billion USD.

Tourist destinations are not required to test fully vaccinated tourists once the vaccination rate in the locality reaches 70%. Earlier this year Thailand prioritized vaccination in Phuket in order to reopen the island.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said tourist destinations will be allowed to operate once the rate of COVID-19 vaccination in a locality reaches 80%.

About 80% of Cambodians have been inoculated. This has laid the foundation for reviving the tourism industry. Cambodia will begin with quarantine-free tours for fully vaccinated foreign tourists to two coastal provinces at the end of this month.

Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines have adopted policies to revive tourism and rescue their economy from a prolonged recession.

This summer Europe and North America began to re-open borders. At the beginning of September, Canada re-opened its borders to all fully vaccinated travelers and hasn’t imposed its previous 14-day quarantine on them. Visitors must have a certificate of full vaccination, except for people with a medical excuse and children under 12.

Early this month, the US began admitting fully vaccinated tourists from most European countries, China, India, and Brazil who arrive by air.

Regulations vary by country and the biggest concern of travelers is the quarantine requirement, which can create a problem for businessmen and tourists whose available time to travel is limited.

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