Mobile malware up in Vietnam: Kaspersky's report

(VOVWORLD) - Along with a surge in the number of mobile phone users accessing the Internet, there has been an increase in the number of mobile malware targeting Vietnamese users, according to the global cybersecurity company Kaspersky.
Mobile malware up in Vietnam: Kaspersky's report - ảnh 1Mobile malware in Vietnam increased by nearly 46.9% in 2021. (Photo courtesy of Kaspersky)

According to the Digital 2022 report conducted by We Are Social, the number of mobile phone users accessing the Internet grew by 147% year-on-year last year.

Kaspersky reported that it detected and prevented more than 43,000 mobile attacks targeting Vietnamese users last year, nearly 47% higher than in 2020. Trojan is the most common threat in Vietnam.
In order to prevent being attacked by mobile malware, Kaspersky recommends users download apps only from official sources and use apps from trusted developers with a good reputation to minimise the chances of encountering malware.
Other measures include ignoring apps that promise overly generous prizes, and using a reliable mobile antivirus that will detect and block malware that tries to get inside the phone.

