NA Standing Committee holds 11th session

NA Standing Committee holds 11th session  - ảnh 1

(VOVworld) - The 11th session of the National Assembly (NA) Standing Committee opened in Hanoi today with NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung in the chair. During this session, Mr Hung said the Standing Committee will discuss the procedures for conducting votes of confidence on officials who have been appointed or approved by the NA or a People’s Council. The committee will also consider a report on land policies for housing and commercial use. On the legislative process, the committee will deliberate over 10 laws including the revised Land Law and the revised Anti-Corruption Law.

During today’s debate on auditing plan for 2013, the delegates proposed that the State Audit audit national target programs, the management and use of land in industrial zones and the use of state financial funds. Mr. Nguyen Van Hien, Head of the Judicial Commission says: "We agreed with the report on the auditing plan and the importance of carrying out the post audit proposals to help the Party and State combat corruption. We will soon approve the Law on Anti-corruption which also stipulates the responsibilities of the State Auditing".

