Nguyen Nhat Anh’s “Toi la Beto” book to be published in RoK

(VOVWORLD) -The book entitled “Toi la Beto” (I am Beto) by children’s best-selling author of Vietnam Nguyen Nhat Anh will be translated to Korean and published in the Republic of Korea (RoK).
Nguyen Nhat Anh’s “Toi la Beto” book to be published in RoK - ảnh 1Author Nguyen Nhat Anh (Source: Tre Publishing House )
According to the Ho Chi Minh City-based Tre (Youth) Publishing House - the representative of Nguyen Nhat Anh’s book copyright, RoK's 59mins Publishing House has bought the copyright of the book. It plans publish the book in the RoK in early 2022, translated by translator Jeong Yekang.
This is the second book by Nguyen Nhat Anh to be published in the RoK after “Cho toi xin mot ve di tuoi tho” (Give me a ticket to childhood) by Dasan Books Publishing House in 2013.
Released in 2007, I am Beto tells the story about an intelligent dog named Beto and his friends. So far, more than 150,000 copies of the book have been sold, becoming one of the best-selling works of Nguyen Nhat Anh. 

