Palestine gives conditions for more negotiation with Israel

(VOVworld) - Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said that Palestine will agree to further negotiations with Israel only when Israel stops its construction in settlement areas and releases more Palestinian prisoners. During a meeting with Meretz party leader Zahava Gal-on in Ramallah on Monday, it the US framework agreement cannot resolve the problem, Palestine will cancel negotiations with Israel and turn to international organizations for an acknowledgement of a Palestinian state. Chairman of the Palestinian negotiation committee Mohamed Madani urged Israeli leaders to stay firm during the negotiations and said Palestine does not trust right-wing extremists in Israel.

Palestine gives conditions for more negotiation with Israel  - ảnh 1
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas speaks during a meeting at his compound in the West Bank city of Ramallah, Saturday, January 11, 2014. Photo:

Meanwhile, the US called on Israel to make more positive moves. At a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, US President Barack Obama affirmed US support for the establishment of independent Israel and Palestine governments. However, he admitted that the negotiations face numerous difficulties and urged Israel and Palestine to make concessions toward signing a framework agreement. Obama said Israel should propose another option if it does not like the peace agreement framework put forward by the US.

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