Party Commission for Communication and Education to deploy 2015 plans

(VOVworld) – The Party Central Committee’s Commission for Communication and Education convened in Hanoi on Monday to review its performance in 2014 and discuss plans for next year.

Party Commission for Communication and Education to deploy 2015 plans - ảnh 1

In 2014, the commission consulted the Party Politburo and Secretariat on improving Party leadership in communications and education in the areas of ideology, theory, the media, publication, culture, and art performances. It also implemented Directive 03 of the Party Politburo on continuing the movement to follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example. Dinh The Huynh, Party Secretary and head of the Commission, said: “Orientations are vital in providing information and holding dialogue. We must fight schemes to mislead the public and create distortions.”

Mr. Huynh said that in 2015 the Commission will continue to consult the Party Politburo and Secretariat on domestic and global situations, guide communications on Party congresses at all levels toward the 12th National Party Congress, and promote the movement to follow President Ho Chi Minh’s moral example.

