Party leader says Quang Ninh promotes pioneering role in Northern Delta's innovation

(VOVWORLD) -Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Wednesday visited the Party Committee, administration, and people of Quang Ninh province. He worked with the province’s key leaders on the results of implementing the Resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress and the 15th Provincial Party Congress.

Party leader says Quang Ninh promotes pioneering role in Northern Delta's innovation  - ảnh 1Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong works with key leaders of Quang Ninh province. Photo: VNA

“It’s neceasry to harmonize development between urban and rural areas and boost  regional linkage. Urban areas in Quang Ninh are growing rapidly, but there remain large rural areas, ethnic minorities, and island residents. So Quang Ninh’s development strategy needs to focus on building new rural areas, investing in green, clean ecological agriculture, modern rural areas, and civilized farmers as the basis for sustainable development,” Mr. Trong said.

“Given its important position, Quang Ninh needs to promote its pioneering role in innovation of the Northern Delta and growth engine of the Northern region. More attention should be paid to the marine economy in association with the protection of natural resources and the ecological environment for sustainable tourism development,” he added.

Party General Secretary Trong also asked Quang Ninh province to consolidate defense and security, boost international economic cooperation and competition, maintain the sovereignty and security of the border on land, sea and islands, and  build a border of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation and development.

Party leader says Quang Ninh promotes pioneering role in Northern Delta's innovation  - ảnh 2Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong talks to officials and employees of Vang Danh Coal Joint Stock Company (Photo: VNA)

Earlier, Mr. Trong visited officials and employees of Vang Danh Coal Joint Stock Company - Vinacomin in Uong Bi city. Talking with the workers and technicians of the unit, he affirmed the important role and tradition of the Vietnamese working class in general and of Quang Ninh province in particular

