PM Nguyen Tan Dung: Vietnam commits favorable conditions and safety for foreign businesses

(VOVworld) - The Government of Vietnam always does its utmost to create favourable conditions and ensure safety for investors to do long-term business in the country. Addressing the mid-term Vietnam Business Forum 2014 (VBF) in Hanoi on Thursday, the Prime Minister recalled the recent disturbances by a number of extremists, in the wake of China’s illegal placement of its Haiyang Shiyou - 981 oil rig in Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone, affecting FDI operations.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung: Vietnam commits favorable conditions and safety for foreign businesses - ảnh 1

He said the Vietnamese government has taken the matter very seriously and have implemented tough measures against the unrest, to help affected businesses recover from the consequences and resume normal operation, as well as ensuring safety and security for foreigners in Vietnam.

The Government of Vietnam will continue to be proactive in preventing riots and public disorder and intensify practical measures for stable operation of foreign businesses in the country. The Prime Minister said that the government is drafting a 5 year socio-economic development plan from 2016 to 2020, which defines Vietnam as a socialist country for peace, independence, self-determination, prosperity and equality: “In economic restructuring, Vietnam pledges most favorable conditions to private business development as the driving force of the national economy. Competitiveness of the private sector, especially small and medium sized enterprises must be improved. We will create every possible means to attract foreign investors to come and do business in Vietnam. Highly skilled labor force training is prioritized to meet the demand of labor market and business sector.”

The Prime Minister said Vietnam will maintain stable macro economic development while accelerating State owned enterprises equitization. More laws and regulations defining freedom to do business, promote infrastructure development and Public Private Partnership will be issued. The 2014 mid-term Vietnam Business Forum aimed to discuss major issues including investment trade, tax, customs and labor issues under the theme “From Agenda to Action: preparing for new free trade agreements.”

