Preparatory meetings for ASEAN summits

(VOVworld) – ASEAN Foreign Ministers convened the 14th meeting of the ASEAN Political –Security Community Council and the 18th meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Council on Tuesday in Vientiane. Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh attended the events.

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(Photo: VOV)

At the meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Council, ministers finalized preparations for the ASEAN Summits and related meetings to take place over three days involving the leaders of ten ASEAN members, eight partner countries, and the UN General Secretary. The leaders are expected to sign and adopt or acknowledge about 50 cooperative documents within ASEAN and with ASEAN and partners.

Ministers agreed on continued efforts to implement cooperative programs effectively, enhance solidarity, unity, and the central role of ASEAN, especially in resolving regional security challenges such as the East Sea conflict.

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(Photo: VOV)

Also that day, ASEAN Foreign Ministers signed the expanded Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia so that Chile, Morocco, and Egypt can officially join the agreement, which will bring the total members to 35.

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(Photo: VOV)

Addressing the meetings, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh called for priorities for settling the current security challenges including terrorism, extreme violence, trans-national crimes, space security, and the improvement of ASEAN’s response capacity. Mr. Minh also asked for practical measures to boost peace, stability, and cooperation in the East Sea, focusing on maintaining restraint, resolving conflicts through peaceful means and in line with international law including the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

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