President Truong Tan Sang attends 40th southern liberation, national reunification in Long An

(VOVworld)- Long An province held a meeting to mark the 40th anniversary of southern liberation and national reunification on Wednesday.

President Truong Tan Sang attends 40th southern liberation, national reunification in Long An - ảnh 1
President Truong Tan Sang visits Nguyen Thi Ba, a hero of the Armed Forces

Addressing the event, State President Truong Tan Sang called for greater efforts for national construction and defense amidst complications in the region and the world, especially those concerning territorial disputes over sea and island sovereignty and attempts to cause social disorder. President Sang said: “Each Party member and official needs to follow examples of soldiers and civilians who laid down their lives for national independence and freedom. Each patriotic Vietnamese person inside and outside the country needs to be united to develop Vietnam into a strong country with rich people, democracy, equality and civilization on the same par with other countries and to defend national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity”.

President Sang urged Long An province to uphold its heroic tradition to enhance the province development while ensuring political stability and social order.

