Research on the Vietnamese genome revealed

(VOVWORLD) - Research on the Vietnamese genome system was made public on Wednesday. Scientists from the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology have done research on 600 genomes of individuals from 17 ethnic groups in 5 language groups.  
Research on the Vietnamese genome revealed  - ảnh 1

Professor Nong Van Hai, former head of the Institute of Genome Research, said at the conference to announce research on the Vietnamese genome system (Photo:

The research reveals 111 new genes typical of Vietnamese people, which shows the diversity and distribution of ethnic groups. Genome research enables early diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and autism. Associate Professor Nong Van Hai, a senior researcher with the Institute of Genome Research, said: “The Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology has done extensive genome research on Kinh people and other groups. They also research genes related to hereditary diseases, cancer, mental illness, and infertility”.

Genome mutation in certain rare diseases like congenital delayed syndrome and cognitive disability have also been found. Dr. Nguyen Huy Hoang, Head of the Institute of Genome Research, said: “Our research has matched the genome results of other research. Thanks to this research, certain diseases have been clearly identified, making diagnosis and treatment much easier”.

