Russia calls for Kiev-Donbass direct talks

(VOVWORLD) - Any progress in the settlement of the conflict in eastern Ukraine is only possible through direct dialogue between Kiev and Donbass, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says.

Russia calls for Kiev-Donbass direct talks  - ảnh 1 Ukrainian forces at Katerynivka village, eastern Ukraine, November 2, 2019

(Photo: AFP/VNA)

Russia is ready to contribute in every possible way, Lavrov was quoted as saying in an interview with TASS news agency posted on the foreign ministry's website Thursday. He said that the establishment of lasting peace in Ukraine is in line with Russia's interests and would have a positive effect on relations between Moscow and Kiev. Lavrov praised the determination of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to reach a speedy end to the hostilities in Donbass, saying he has managed to do in his five-month presidency what his predecessor refused to do for years. Russia, Ukraine, France, and Germany met in Paris on Dec. 9 and agreed there was no alternative to the Minsk agreements.

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