Sharing experience in ASEAN urgent disaster response

(VOVworld) – ASEAN countries and foreign observers involved in the 2013 ASEAN Disaster Emergency Response Simulation Exercise (Ardex-13) in Vietnam appreciated the practical results of the event.

Sharing experience in ASEAN urgent disaster response - ảnh 1
Firefighters exercise to stamp out a burst in a chemical company

Speaking at a meeting to review the exercise, they praised the ARDEX 13 scenario, making reports to AHA center, quick evaluation of the situation, and emergency activities. Representatives from ASEAN countries also complimented those forces involved in the exercise for their active cooperation to resolve difficult simulated circumstances. ASEAN countries have had an opportunity to share lessons in urgent disaster responses. It’s also an event for Vietnam to review and adjust its law on natural disaster prevention and mitigation so as to improve their cooperative mechanisms with regional countries.

