South Korea calls on North Korea to resume talks on joint industrial zone

South Korea calls on North Korea to resume talks on joint industrial zone - ảnh 1
The inter-Korean Kaesong Industrial Complex in North Korea, in this picture taken near the truce village of Panmunjom, just south of the demilitarized zone dividing the two Koreas, in Paju, about 55 km (34 miles) north of Seoul. Photo:Reuters

The South Korean Ministry of Unification on Sunday called on North Korea to resume negotiation on re-opening the joint industrial park at Kaesong, which has been shut down for the last 3 months. A Spokesperson for South Korea’s Ministry of Unification said if North Korea wants to resolve the Kaesong issue and considers this industrial park as a standard for inter-Korean relations, it must show goodwill instead of keeping silent. The comment came one week after Ryoo Kihl Jae, South Korea’s Minister of Unification, proposed a negotiation on reopening Keasong. North Korea has not yet responded to the proposal.

