South Korea rejects businessmen's trip to Kaesong complex

(VOVWORLD) -South Korea on Thursday rejected a request by businessmen to visit North Korea's border city Kaesong to inspect their facilities at the now-shuttered joint industrial complex.
South Korea rejects businessmen's trip to Kaesong complex - ảnh 1South Korea rejects businessmen's trip to Kaesong complex (Photo: AFP/VNA) 

The move comes despite recent inter-Korean rapprochement that culminated in a breakthrough agreement to hold a summit between leaders of the two Koreas next month. Conditions for the trip have not been met, said an official of the unification ministry, which handles inter-Korean affairs, adding that any trip by South Koreans to North Korea requires the South Korean government's approval, as well as an invitation and safety guarantees from the North.

This is the fifth time the government has spurned requests by South Korea businessmen to visit Kaesong to inspect their facilities in the factory park.

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